Live Wedding Painting
Looking for the perfect addition to your wedding day?
Live painting is a unique and memorable experience for both you and your guests on the most special day of your life, where I will capture a moment so personal while it’s happening!
How it works…
I will arrive to your venue 2-3 hours prior to your wedding’s start time to begin your painting. I use professional grade oil paint with the most vibrant pigment that truly stands the test of time. First, I begin painting the background, so by the time your guests arrive, the painting will already be underway.
The next step is incorporating you and your partner into the composition along with guests if you so choose, depending on what package and scene you decide upon. I will paint during the reception and welcome you and your guests to watch as your painting unfolds before your eyes.
By the end of your wedding, I will find you to show you your new painting. I will take it back to my studio to finalize it with finishing touches which can take up to 8 weeks after your wedding day. During this time, I will make sure your painting is nothing but the best work of art that encapsulates the most special day of you and your partner’s new life together. Once your painting is complete, I will apply varnish overtop to seal and protect it forever so it can safely make its way to its new home!
If this sounds like something you absolutely need to make your wedding day unlike any other, let’s take a look at the different packages I offer!
Other options!
Are you not able to have me paint at your wedding or has your big day already passed? Not to worry, I can always paint a beautiful custom portrait for you using professional photographs as references instead! I have over ten years of professional oil portrait painting experience and can absolutely still capture your favorite moment from your big day even if I wasn’t there. Just pick out your most cherished photographs, send them my way, and we can begin planning out a beautiful painting that you will keep forever. The best part is, you can hand select your poses as they have already happened! Contact me here with your ideas for a custom proposal! Prices begin at $1500.