Live Wedding Painting
Classic Package
Investment starts at $2500
16 in. x 20 in. or 18 in. x 18 in. stretched canvas
Your choice of scene
Detailed background
You and your spouse
Extra 2 weeks of painting in the studio
Highest quality professional oil paint
Non yellowing varnish
Enhanced Package
Investment starts at $3200
18 in. x 24 in. or 20 in. x 20 in. stretched canvas
Your choice of scene
Detailed background
You and your spouse
Extra 4 weeks of painting in the studio
Highest quality professional oil paint
Non yellowing varnish
Gallery Package
Investment starts at $4500
24 in. x 30 in. stretched canvas
Your choice of scene
Detailed background
You and your spouse
2-5 guests of your choice
Extra 5-6 weeks of painting in the studio
Highest quality professional oil paint
Non yellowing varnish
Ultimate Package
Investment starts at $6500
30 in. x 40 in. stretched canvas
Your choice of scene
Detailed background
You and your spouse
Bridal party or up to 10 guests of your choice
Extra 8 weeks of painting in the studio
Highest quality professional oil paint
Non yellowing varnish